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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Facilitating Quality Changes in Malaysia Higher Education via Training

Dear readers

When one discusses the matter of quality in Malaysian higher education, it is difficult to actually point out what 'quality' really means. Of course you may want to read on 'quality' before you proceed with this piece but suffice to say I am safe with it meaning 'fitness for purpose' and 'value for money'.

Quality was previously perceptively equalled on the age of existence. University Malaya, for example, was a cradle of many current leaders for the fact that it was there in existence when no other local institutions were. Quality in higher education can also mean size, ie the volume of the institutional grants or revenue, or its expertise. To this, Universiti Putra Malaysia is an example as it stands tall among its local peers with around RM50m in annual grants allocated.

Infrastructure is another keyword in discussing quality in higher education institutions. Universiti Tenaga Nasional for example, was certified a 'Quality-Environment (QE)' university.

The recent development of this sector as an industry has led to a blurriness of fact on what construes a quality institution as there are now many classifications of universities; APEX, RU, IPTAs, GLC IPTs, HEPs and Self-Accredited Universities are all jargons that have found its way into our higher education lexicon and few are understood by laymen. Are these classifications done to tell the apples from the oranges or are they all inclusive? To resolve (and may I add stereotype) the 'quality' issue of Malaysia higher education institutions, several tools and indicators were introduced. Having said that, are tools like SETARA, COPPA and COPIA, MyRA and My3S used to form a ranking or a pyramid of hierarchy, or is the purpose of these mechanisms are to facilitate the self-regulation of the industry?

Whilst it may have noble intentions, it can be argued that additional burden of reporting is increasingly becoming a strain on administrators of the higher education industry as the very institutions that they administer are now under intense scrutiny, with the influx of international students deeply contributing to the latter. Allocations of funds need to be made to equip the members of the institutions in rudimentaries of educational accountability such as in delivering realistic Learning Outcomes (LOs) in programme curricula, as well as ensuring that the support systems of the institution (such as a dedicated International Office and counselling facilities) are adequately provided.

To this effect, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia has itself gone into transformation. In December 2005, the Quality Unit of the ministry merged with the National Accreditation Board to form what we now know as the Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA). The ministry also created the Higher Education Leadership Academy also known as AKEPT to provide learning and networking opportunities for higher education administrators.

Whilst the former is widely known for its contribution in assuring quality of local higher education, the contribution of AKEPT is comparitively less visible, partly due to the probable fact that their reach is still limited (by budgetary constraints, perhaps).

To this the ministry may like to consider the expansion of educational faculties to provide formal scholarly studies in the field of higher education itself. The growing numbers of institutions would mean a higher demand of trained professional educational administrators with entrepreneurial knowledge to boost. With a strong structure in place, backed up by quality professional administrators, it can be argued that the factory of Malaysia higher education could churn changes on the current fate of the local scene.

The higher education industry is now slowly but surely moving into the next stage of growth, which is the consolidation phase. When the market expands on a certain structure of quality, the 'shophouse colleges' will surely be edged off fashion and die out of natural causes. These structures of quality are now aggresively being put in place, both in the public as well as the private sector.

The regulators nonetheless need to ensure that the institutions themselves are able to keep up with this new direction and pace along the highway of change. Why not by putting the correct brains in their driving seats?


Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Lonely Fight

There seems to be no end to the predicament that is spelt as MCA right now. Political jostling for the much coveted top two posts is also distastefully evident with the contrasting statements given by the Central Committee (CC) as well as the thinly veiled shoving off by the CC members of the top incumbent, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Kiat (DSOTK).

It can be argued that the current president was initially the benefactor of the deep-rooted division in MCA; his neutral stance as well as his outspoken and 'lone ranger' image earned him the respect but not the adoration of his partymen. And so it was felt that DSOTK was the better alternative than the representative from the opposing camp.

With all these motive undercurrents whirling in MCA, it is of no surprise that the recent MCA Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) yielded the result it did; the delegates are in summary, not happy with the conduct of the CC headed by DSOTK. The climax of this ugly game also comes at the heels of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal which implicates Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing (DSTKS), the Chairman of the Barisan Nasional (BN) Backbenchers' Club.

Anticipating the sorry situation the president is in, the generals have now turned onto their leader with the hope of making a quick kill. DSOTK, realising that his lead of the party is all but over now faces the lonely task of ensuring the bickering of his charges does not result in an implosion of the party, a worse outcome than the laughing stock that the MCA currently is.

As a chief partner in the BN administration fold, the discerning rakyat are surely looking at this situation with dismay. As a Malaysian Malay Muslim, I am in the view that the current MCA is a liability for the ruling coalition, concurring with the feedback I received from a friend, a year ago.

However, the spirit of togetherness that defines us Malaysians should be no more obvious than now; it should be us who facilitate the mending of the relationship of our neighbours. Therefore, it is important that we show our concern on the need to end this feud quickly and offer our help should it be needed.

Having said that this gesture to mediate must not be taken as a way to interfere with our neighbours internal matters. Worse is statements that is intended to sway public opinion for or against parties in the conflict.

At the end of the day, everyone should realise that turmoil benefits no one.

Kind regards and Wassalam

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Isa Candidacy

Hi all and Salam Eid ulFitr

I have to apologise for this latest hiatus but there are times when I felt my brief blogging days were over due to the overwhelming daily responsibilities as well as infrastructural limitations. There are many articles that did not find the screen as they needed further research on facts; a practice which I observe is rendered no longer important to a few.

I admit that I am relieved that UMNO decided to endorse the candidacy of Tan Sri Isa Samad (TSIS) for the Bagan Pinang state seat. Not that I believe that the PAS candidate Zulkefly Mohamad Omar will turn this by-election into a smear campaign, but for the fact that the UMNO top leadership have accepted the wishes of the local community whom has vocally expressed its support for the former Negri Sembilan Mentri Besar.

Here is a man who has a history; someone who is motivated by the negative perception against him, and someone with a point to prove. With TSIS opting to briefly sit back in tending to the last days of his wife, he appears a strong contender to rejuvenate the image of BN as the fallen champion.

To both men: Good luck, fight well, and May Allah guide your conscience for a better Negri Sembilan.

Cheers and Wassalam

Friday, July 10, 2009

Selamat Tinggal PPSMI

Assalamu alaikum para pembaca yang budiman

Umpama pembuangan selumbar yang mengganggu masyarakat pendidik lebih sedarsawarsa, pengumuman penarikan balik PPSMI oleh Jemaah Menteri melalui Menteri Pelajarannya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin disambut dengan syukur oleh ramai pihak.

Sesungguhnya isu ini telah banyak memakan masa dan saluran disebabkan pelaksanaan dasar ini yang dilihat sebagai sebuah dasar siasah dan lebih bersifat menekan, tanpa diberi ruang perbincangan dan kajian dengan secukupnya.

Tujuan mengukuhkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris di peringkat rendah dan menengah seharusnya boleh dicapai dengan dasar lain yang tidak merogol kesucian Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Natijahnya, penguatkuasaan satu dasar yang gopoh telah menyebabkan negara kerugian daripada segi sumber2 yang telah dibazirkan di dalam 'ujikaji' memupuk keasingan Bahasa Inggeris di dalam aliran pembelajaran bermula murid darjah satu. Lebih parah lagi adalah nasib murid2 tersebut yang telah dizalimi masa depan mereka dalam menimba ilmu yang rata2 dilihat sebagai sumber penting di dalam pembangunan diri sebagai harta negara.

Ini merupakan satu pengajaran besar yang perlu dicatat di dalam lipatan sejarah negara dan dijadikan iktibar kepada golongan pemimpin dan negarawan. Biar besar manapun jasa(atau dosa) seorang pemimpin di dalam membangunkan negara, setiap dasar yang diperkenalkan haruslah dinilai secara halus dan terperinci tanpa mengaitkannya dengan dasar2 lain yang telah berjaya mahupun tidak. Pada asasnya setiap dasar ini perlu ditimbang kekuatan dan kelemahan kendiri sebelum sesuatu keputusan diambil.

Semoga barisan Jemaah Menteri yang ada kini mempunyai kekuatan untuk mempertahankan yang hak dan memerangi yang zalim.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Memegang Teguh Perlembagaan Demi Perpaduan

Assalamu alaikum dan Salam Sejahtera rakan pembaca yang saya muliakan

Saya terpanggil untuk mengingatkan diri saya dan rakan pembaca tentang perlunya umat Muslim Melayu Malaysia teguh berpaksi kepada konsep dan definisi kita sebagaimana yang termaktub di dalam Artikel 160 Perlembagaan Malaysia, sepertimana tulisan yang saya petik di bawah:

Oleh sebab itu, telah dinasihatkan oleh Dato' Onn Jaafar dahulu, orang Melayu tidak seharusnya bermain puak dalam politik, kerana faktor inilah yang menyebabkan orang Melayu menjadi berpecah pada zaman penjajah dahulu, dan faktor perpuakan inilah juga yang menyebabkan Dato' Onn mencadangkan agar konsep Melayu itu sendiri didefinisikan semula menjadi "orang Melayu itu bermaksud mereka berbahasa Melayu, beragama Islam dan berbudaya Melayu." Tidak kiralah dia itu orang Jawa, Banjar, Mendailing, Petani, Bugis, Kelantan, Melaka, Brunei ataupun siapa sahaja daripada rumpun Melayu ini - semuanya dianggap Melayu apabila tiga syarat yang tersebut itu dipenuhi!

Politik Melayu di Persimpangan. Suatu Analisis Pilihan Raya Umum 2008 oleh Ahmad Atory Hussain, Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd (Februari 2009), m.s. 232.

Sekian dan Wassalam

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Faktor 'RM' Bakal Memenangkan BN

Assalamu alaikum para pembaca yang budiman

Walaupun hangat disangsikan dan ditolak oleh kedua2 pihak, namun pengamatan saya mendapati kewujudan faktor 'RM' telah mengubah haluan arus sentimen undi kepada pihak kerajaan yang memerintah. Barisan Nasional seolah2 kini menjadi sebut2an di dalam usaha menyapu kembali kerusi yang dipertandingkan.

Faktor 'RM' bukanlah singkatan kepada 'Ringgit Malaysia' - istilah yang mengkonotasikan amalan jual beli undi dan politik wang. Sebenarnya, singkatan ini adalah kepada dua faktor yang dirangkumkan kepada dua perkataan Inggeris iaitu 'Release' dan 'Mahathir'.

'Release' merujuk kepada pelepasan tahanan ISA yang dahulunya lantang memperjuangkan hak bangsa di bawah bayangan HINDRAF. Langkah ini telah mendapat reaksi positif daripada banyak pihak yang sedikit-sebanyak meletakkan kerajaan BN di bawah pimpinan Dato' Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak di bawah sinaran yang elok.

'Mahathir' pula tidak lain dan tidak bukan merujuk kepada kemasukan semula Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad ke pangkuan BN dan UMNO. Tokoh negarawan ini lantas berkempen dengan agresif bagi memenangkan BN di kawasan2 pilihanraya kecil di tengah2 sambutan rakyat yang luar dugaan. Sememangnya karisma beliau adalah sesuatu yang amat didahagakan oleh rakyat yang dipimpinnya selama 22 tahun.

Seolah2 mendapat gejolak ombak Tsunami, kerajaan BN bakal menawan semula hati para pengundi yang seakan2 sudah beransur2 memaafkan BN di atas kealpaan awal mereka. Mungkin tidak di Bukit Gantang, namun jika keseriusan Perdana Menteri baru Malaysia ini dapat diterjemahkan kepada langkah2 ikhlas yang bermakna, nescaya satu lagi ombak akan melanda dalam beberapa tahun lagi.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kemelut Pentadbiran Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan

Assalamu alaikum para pembaca yang budiman

Situasi pentadbiran negeri Perak kini diumpamakan sebagai telur di hujung tanduk dengan tindakan beberapa binatang politik yang jelas cuba memburukkan lagi kekusutan yang berlaku kesan daripada perubahan kuasa kerajaan negeri yang dipuncakan daripada tindakan keluar parti tiga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) daripada Pakatan Rakyat.

Apa yang jelas kemelut ini melahirkan rasa kurang senang rakyat lebih2 lagi masyarakat Muslimin Melayu Malaysia yang menjunjung Sultan sebagai pemimpin umat di negara ini. Ini disebabkan perasaan amarah binatang2 politik yang jahil ini melahirkan kebiadaban kepada sistem Raja Berpelembagaan yang belum pernah dilihat di dalam mana2 lipatan sejarah sejak Malaysia merdeka. Kekacauan kepada keamanan yang kian lama dikecapi adalah petanda betapa kejahilan dan kerapuhan iman boleh meranapkan usaha sezaman.

Saya menyeru kepada semua daripada kita yang mengaku cintakan keamanan supaya bertindak menurut lunas undang-undang dan berhenti daripada mengikut emosi yang bukan sahaja memakan diri, bahkan merosakkan negeri seperti yang kini terjadi. Semoga nikmat yang diberikan Tuhan tidak ditarik balik setelah kita insaf dan belajar daripada kesalahan silam, WalLahu alam.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Neo Manhattan Chess Centre (NMCC)

Hi there

A local chess centre Neo Manhattan Chess Centre (NMCC) will be launched at 42B, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1, Taman Tun Dr.Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. NMCC vision is to provide all chess related services such as chess coaching, training, simultaneous display, arbiter services and tournament organizing. This centre plans to also sell chess equipment such as chess books, magazines, clocks, chess sets, demo boards and other equipments.

However for the time being, NMCC only provides chess coaching / training package / chess talks and simulations. Everybody is welcomed. The Chess Centre will offer attractive promotion fee for those who are interested to join the coaching and training session.

For further details, please contact: Shamsol Bahrin o12 936 3119 or Irwan Zulkenain 019 386 6587 or email:

Thank you.

About Me

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This blogger believes that time, of all things, is what wealth should be based upon and thus, death should be the best motivation for us to live life to the fullest.