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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Drastic Situations Require Drastic Measures
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Public Transport issue
The situation is exacerbated by the National Automotive Policy which has made Malaysia the leading passenger car market in the ASEAN. The vicious cycle has every other Malaysian driving to work as which is a reason / caused by the inability of public transportation to make a decent profit.
I am all for spending my taxed money to improve public transportation in Malaysia but I do not intend to finance it blindly. There has to be an end to unaccountability for public spending. The buck should stop at the top. Period.
Wassalam and kind regards
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
People are just - People
Assalamu alaikum and hi everyone
This is a response I made to a friend sharing his experience on friendship with other Malaysian races:
I am glad to see a refreshing point of view of which I believe is actually the opinion of the silent majority. Malaysians are peace-loving and commonsensical but lately irresponsible parties have been harping on the race and equality issue, perhaps to the brink of disrepair.
I opted to keep quiet because apparently nature dictates that NATOs (No-Action-Talk-Only) hog almost every communication channel be it newspapers, blogs or online discussion groups. To that I asked the question "What is MY contribution to society and country?". Not a question for the populist, I know.
In the end, people are just that: people. As I mentioned earlier, corruption and misuse of power are not exclusive of any race, religion or skin colour. We are responsible to inculcate positive character in ourselves and our children so that our society survives. Yes, it is that serious looking at how things are going right now.
I am glad to know that you at least, have Chan as a friend. I myself have many very close friends of other races that I am glad to call 'sahabat' which probably is because of my non-conventional education background.
But that is not to say our race is not important. The fact that many fail to realise is that in Malaysia, the 'Malay' race is tied to religion and to that the brace of unique constitutional rights not found anywhere else in the world. In neighbouring countries this is not the case and we see the consequence it has in the assimilation of race, language, religion and culture. Many say this is not harmful to which I agree, but wait.. the caveat is that UNLESS where Islam is the victim of this assimilation. That is the reason for the special privileges.
It is dangerous when people do not understand the concept and only grasp the manifestations of it. Quotas and allocations are not relevant but they are what most people are talking about. Worse is extremism.
I have been through both ends of the spectra; I have Kumar, Bala, Vimal, Nantha et al and Jenn Shing, Mr Yee, Khay Wai et al who I trust would lend me an arm and a leg in dire times (and vice versa) but I have also encountered Sundra (who called me racist btw) and Chen (who told me that Malays are oppressive people).
As commonsense prevails, we will see that people are just people.
It is 16 September 2008 and I am waiting
This is an extremely cunning ploy. By prolonging the suspense, DSAI will be able to hog the media limelights for quite some time. He will also be able to shift attention of the public to the grim economy which is actually facing a global slowdown. If he can hold this for long enough, he may be successful in getting Pak Lah's meeting him as ransom to this political blackmailing.
In echoing Ku Li's views, I for one agree that this political shenanigan has gone overboard. For all the trust and money of the public spent, the focus should actually be given in strengthening the economy and nationbuilding. Instead we see political and racial bickering which in turn will hurt local competitiveness in the world market. Too often views are hurtfully divided along the political fence. The truth it seems, no longer bears relevance.
DSAI must be sincere to Malaysians and declare MPs aligned to him. It is unfair for the country to be in the grey of this alleged change of allegiance. Either say his piece, or forever hold his peace.
As it is, 16 September 2008 is wearing fast and so is my patience.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tamingsari 73(1) AKDN 1960
Namun, setelah ditimbang tara dengan nasihat mamanda Bendahara, maka lebih jelas bahayanya jika rakyat yang dibiar menjadi korban. Dengan sugul dan berat hati dilepaslah Tun Tuah oleh Sultan Melaka untuk mara ke Istana Sultan yang ditawan.
Si Penderhaka mencampak Tamingsari seraya mencabar Tuah. "Kalau kau hendak betul2 membunuh aku, ambillah Tamingsari, dan bunuhlah aku".
Maka dengan lafaz "La ilaha illa Anta, subhanaka inni kuntu min az Zholimiin", si Penderhakapun terkulai dimamah Tamingsari.
Perubahan Waktu Persekolahan Rendah di Putrajaya
Walaupun sudah dikecam hebat sewaktu sesi perbincangan terbuka oleh sebilangan para guru yang dijemput memberikan pandangan, pegawai atasan berkenaan masih tidak berganjak daripada keputusannya yang dibuat tanpa kajian ataupun maklumbalas yang menyeluruh. Ini seolah-olah sudah menjadi trend tetap di bidang pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan peringkat rendah. Belumpun pulih daripada isu Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik di dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI), isu ini pula muncul sambil mengukuhkan lagi hujah para akademik bahawa pendidikan di Malaysia dibinasakan oleh dasar-dasar yang digubal secara top-down.
Sepertimana PPSMI, idea persekolahan rendah bersesi penuh adalah pada asasnya baik. Namun yang demikian, perancangan yang rompang hasil daripada sifat maghror pegawai penggubal dasar merupakan gunting dalam lipatan kepada aspirasi kerajaan membikin kemajuan pendidikan yang mantap. Seolah-olah perancang dasar tidak memikirkan tentang kesulitan ibu-bapa murid yang terpaksa menguruskan makan minum dan mandi tanpa prasarana yang mencukupi.
Soal utama yang dibangkitkan guru adalah tentang anak2 mereka sendiri yang bakal menjadi korban kepada polisi tersebut. Jikalau sibuk dengan mengajar hingga ke petang, masakan guru2 ini punya masa yang cukup untuk menyediakan makan pakai anak2 mereka sendiri?
Kini guru2 di Putrajaya sedang mencari alternatif lain termasuklah memohon pertukaran ke negeri lain. Sudahlah gaji yang diterima sama (walaupun beban masa kerja bertambah), kebajikan mereka seperti diperlekehkan pihak atasan.
Jika para guru di Putrajaya mengajar dalam keadaan protes, besar kemungkinan prestasi murid di kawasan itu bakal terjejas. Natijah daripada ini bakal merugikan banyak pihak, termasuklah ibu bapa, para guru, pentadbir dan penggubal dasar sekolah serta murid itu sendiri.
Semoga kita sedar bahawa situasi lose-lose ini tidak membawa apa2 manfaat kepada negara.
Apabila Politik Disanjung, Retorik Dijunjung
Saya memohon maaf kepada semua pembaca kerana tidak berkesempatan untuk mengemaskini blog ini akibat kesibukan tugas. Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada pembaca yang sudi bertanya khabar dan menggesa saya supaya lekas menulis memandangkan terdapat kebanjiran isu yang menjadi bualan masyarakat kini.
Apa yang saya gusarkan adalah perbicaraan-perbicaraan ini mengambil panduan daripada khabar-khabar angin tanpa fakta yang jelas. Seperti yang sudah saya nukilkan tidak lama dahulu, tanggapan yang dibuat melalui kaca mata yang kabur hanyalah bakal mengundang bencana apatah lagi jika disira dengan minyak tanah emosi.
Itulah lumrah politik yang bersifat retorik dan lebih kepada persepsi daripada fakta. Apabila kita menyanjung kepemimpinan sebegini, tidaklah mampu kita mengelak bala perpecahan daripada terjadi.
About Me

- Abu Abdullah Anas Al Banji
- This blogger believes that time, of all things, is what wealth should be based upon and thus, death should be the best motivation for us to live life to the fullest.