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Friday, August 1, 2008

The Gamble that is Permatang Pauh

Assalamu alaikum and hi there

The recent announcement by DSAI to contest his previous parliamentary seat at Permatang Pauh have illustrated his steely and shrewd determination to once again grace the august house of Parliament, amidst the rancour of criticisms from various parties.

The criticisms range from the waste of public funds in the bowing out of the incumbent, the wife of DSAI, to the undermining of voters' confidence in ensuring the ascesion plan of PKR.

I am personally dismayed by these facts, so much so that I wish that I am strong enough to to stand against DSAI myself at Permatang Pauh, such is my stand against DSAI's antics, as well as my belief that the silent majority should now stand up and speak up their mind.

I will need to resign from my job, find people who are willing to stand as my proposers and campaigners and of course, find that small funding amount that defines what Malaysian politics is all about.

For the sake of the country I dare to muck myself in the murkiness of politics; to stand for what is right in Malaysia, and to prove some points. But then again, surely there are several more accomplished people who can stand up for my beliefs?

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This blogger believes that time, of all things, is what wealth should be based upon and thus, death should be the best motivation for us to live life to the fullest.