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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Gambit at Hulu Selangor
Regards and Wassalam.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Bosnian Pleasantry
It has been about fifteen years since Bosnia-Herzegovina emerged from the rubbles of war devastation which resulted from inter-ethnical atrocities among its three major ethnic components with the true aftermath of this deep socio-political gash still subject to debate. However, an undisputed fact is that Malaysia (having derived from its own experience), had always been acommodating and vocal in its support for a peaceful and just nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
To this effect, Bosnians hold dear YABhg Tun Mahathir Mohamad (TMM) as head of an international friend and contributor to the rebuilding and subsequent progress of the Balkan country. How fitting then, to coincide with the commemorating of its independence, the community of Bosnia-Herzegovina through University Of Sarajevo (UNSA), has conferred TMM with its distinguished 'Honorary Doctorate of the University of Sarajevo'.
The Dean of the UNSA Faculty of Machine Engineering, Professor Dr Ejub Dzaferovic, had this to say in his proposal submission of TMM's candidacy:
Mr Mahathir proved, in his international activities, his sympathies for Bosnia and Herzegovina and peoples living there, by taking an active role as the 'Ambassador of Peace' in settling down war conflicts, and later, by helping reconstruction and development of our country. He was trying to transpose his positive experience that correct inter-ethnic relations can be achieved only by justice, consistency and economic prosperity, even to the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order with that, his role has been very active in connecting economy and universities of both countries via international projects. The University of Sarajevo has a very considerable cooperation with universities in Malaysia and with Malaysian companies as well. The cooperation reflects in mutual realization of teaching and scientific projects.
Congratulations to TMM for the award which further enhances the image of Malaysia in the international arena. As a discerning Malaysian Malay Muslim, I am both proud and thankful, and hope that the cooperation between Malaysia and Bosnia and Herzegovina be further deepened, especially in the field of higher education.
Regards and Wassalam
About Me

- Abu Abdullah Anas Al Banji
- This blogger believes that time, of all things, is what wealth should be based upon and thus, death should be the best motivation for us to live life to the fullest.