I have been privileged to know a man which I consider my brother. His passing was a shock to me, and I am still at pains to accept his demise. Hopefully my sharing with you will make this easier to take.
He was one of the rare kind. The Bobby Mercer character in 'Four Brothers'. It was once said that Horatius needed two to defend Rome at the Sublician. Well, in 'Abang Onn', he would have probably needed only one.

Inna lilLahi wa inna ilaihi rajiuun. Ila hadratin Nabiyy ahmadim Musytaba Muhammadim Mustafa RasulilLahi sallalLahi alaihi wa sallam. Khususun ilahi ruhi Mohamed Onn bin Sulaiman, kiramin al Fatihah..
Kind regards and Wassalam